Babi Plus™ Bubble CPAP Valve
Bubble CPAP Valve
  • The Babi.Plus PAP valve is only for use with premature infants and infants < 10 KG (about 24 pounds)
  • 360° Swivel inlet connector accepts 15M and 22F expiratory circuit connectors
  • Rotating pressure adjustment lever
  • Water level adjustment port allows water to be added or removed without disconnecting the expiratory circuit

Babi.Plus® Bubble PAP Valve provides a continuous positive airway pressure to pre-terms, terms and infants weighing less than 10 kg for spontaneously breathing. Bubble PAP Valve is adjustable from 0 to 10 cmH₂O for gas flow 1-12 liters per minute with accuracy of ± 1 cmH₂0.

360° Swivel Inlet Connector

Accepts 15M and 22F expiratory circuit connectors

Rotating Pressure Adjustment Lever

Adjustable Range: 0 to 10 cmH₂O

Bubble Generating Diffuser

Deliver uniform bubbles to generate stable pressure

Water Level Adjustment Port

Allows water to be added or removed without disconnecting

Water Fill In Indicate

Indicate the appropriate water level for pressure delivery accuracy

360° Swivel Inlet Connector Gas Flow Range Pressure Adjustable Range
15 mm O.D./22 mm I.D. 1-12 liters per minute 0-10 cmH2O
Order Information
REF Description QTY
AN0018 Bubble PAP Valve 24 pcs/box
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