What is Mechanical Ventilation?
Mechanical ventilation is a life support treatment, which is indicated when the patient's spontaneous breathing is inadequate to maintain life. It is also indicated as prophylaxis for imminent collapse of other physiologic functions, or ineffective gas exchange in the lungs. Mechanical ventilation may involve a machine called a ventilator, or the breathing may be assisted manually by a suitably qualified professional

Breathing Circuit
Breathing Circuit can be best described as the lifeline between the patient and the mechanical ventilator consists of various combinations of interfaces, enabling the delivery of air to patients in a consistent and highly regulated manner.
Humi.AIDE™ Adult Heated Wire Circuit
Humidity Therapy
Absolute humidity (AH, mgH2O/L
The actual amount of water vapor in a given volume of air; The weight per volume or as pound per 1,000 cubic feet.
Relative humidity (RH, %)
The amount of water vapor in the air, expressed as a percentage, of the maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature; the ratio of actual water vapor pressure to the saturation vapor pressure.

Humidity Therapy
- Humidity is essential to the human respiratory system. Dry air (about 6 mgH2O/L) enters the trachea and is subsequently conditioned by the tracheal and pulmonary mucosa, until the high humidity of the peripheral pulmonary airways (44 mgH2O/L) is reached. This point is called the Isothermal Saturation Boundary (ISB) where inhaled air has reached body temperature (37°C) and is 100% saturated with water.
- During mechanical ventilation and anesthesia, the air supplied to the patient is usually colder and drier than the regular air which may result in poor gas exchange and poor inflation of the bronchioles and alveoli.
- Humidity Therapy is a method to artificially condition the gas used in respiration of a patient as a therapeutically modality.
Temperature | Humidity (AH) | |
IIsothermic saturation boundary (ISB) | 37°C | 44 mg/L |
Medical O2 Gas | 15°C | 0.3 mg/L |
Room temperature | 22°C | 7 mg/L |
Oxygen therapy | ambient | 16 mg/L |
HME | 25 ~ 30°C | 17 ~ 32 mg/L |
Heated humidifier | 37°C | 44 mg/L |
Active Humidification
The supplied gas is optimally conditioned with heat and moisture from an electrically powered humidifier.

Humidifier Recommend
Humi.AIDE™ 5D Humidifier
Humidification Chamber Recommend
Humi.AIDE™ Auto-Feeding Humidification ChamberPassive Humidification
Including Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME) and Heat and Moisture Exchanger Filter (HMEF).
Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME)

Heat and Moisture Exchanger Filter (HMEF)

HEPA FilterAccessories

In addition to breathing circuits and humidifiers, Galemed also provides many accessories for mechanical ventilation use.
Mask for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation.
Dezire™ Lite CPAP Face Mask
Ventilator breathing circuit contains catheter mount to connect with patients’ endotracheal tubes or tracheostomy tubes.
Durable Catheter mount
Manifold is attached to the single limb breathing circuit to regulate the expiratory valve.
Three-way manifold
Test lung designed to ensure patients’ safety simulates lung compliance and resistance, providing clinicians to test the mechanical ventilator function for routine check or before operating on the patients.