IPPB Circuit
IPPB Circuit
  • Ideal for most common IPPB treatment
  • Highly efficient manifold has a quieter and prompt response
  • EVA for corrugated tubing
  • PE, PP and silicone for mouthpiece, nebulizer, manifold and connector
  • PVC for control line

IPPB, the abbreviation for Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing, is a short-term therapy that involves the delivery of inspiratory positive pressure to spontaneously breathing patients. It may be indicated for patients who are at risk of lung atelectasis, assisting them perform deep-breathing exercises. Our IPPB circuit with efficient nebulizer is ideal for most of the common IPPB treatment.

  • Bird Connector: 4.3M
  • Deadspace: 1.5ml
  • 22mm and 15mm conform to ISO-5356-1

IPPB Manifold

  • Nebulizer Capacity: 30ml
  • Delivers aerosol particle size ranging from 1 to 5 MMAD.
  • 18M outlet and 6M inlet
  • Delivery: 0.35ml/minute at 8LPM

EVA material for corrugated tubing

REF Mouthpiece Flex Tube Manifold Neb-1 Nebulizer Nebulizer Capacity Nebulizer Deadspace Particle size Nebulizer Delivery Main Limb Control Line Bird Connector
AB0124 22M 15cm IPPB Manifold 18M outlet and 6M inlet 30ml 1.5ml 1 to 5 MMAD 0.35ml/minute at 8LPM EVA Corrugated, 150cm PVC, 200cm 4.3M
AB0127 22M 15cm IPPB Manifold 18M outlet and 6M inlet 30ml 1.5ml 1 to 5 MMAD 0.35ml/minute at 8LPM EVA Corrugated, 100cm PVC, 200cm 4.3M
Order Information
REF Description QTY
AB0124 IPPB Circuit, 150cm 15 sets/box
AB0127 IPPB Circuit, Universal 15 sets/box