Neb-Valve Tee
Neb-Valve Tee
  • Allows temporary connection of a nebulizer without having to disassemble the circuit
  • Reduces cross contamination
  • Low flow resistance
  • Equipped with dust proof cap
  • Low flow nebulizer can reduce impact to flow sensor measurement during ventilation
  • Low condensation when use with heated wire circuit

AV0076, AV0077, AV0097
REF Connector Pressure & Flow Rate
AV0076 22F, 18F, 22/15mm < 0.29 cmH2O @ 60 LPM
AV0097 22F, 18F, 22M < 0.29 cmH2O @ 60 LPM
AV0077 22M,18F, 22M < 0.29 cmH2O @ 60 LPM
AV0075 15F, 18F, 15M < 0.50 cmH2O @ 60 LPM
AV0074 10F, 18F, 10M < 3.65 cmH2O 60 LPM
Order Information
REF Description QTY
AV0076  Valve Tee, 22F, 18F, 22/15mm  50 pcs/box, 4 box/ctn
AV0097 Valve Tee, 22F, 18F, 22M 50 pcs/box, 4 box/ctn
AV0077 Valve Tee, 22M, 18F 22M 50 pcs/box, 4 box/ctn
AV0075 Valve Tee, 15F, 18F, 15M 50 pcs/box, 4 box/ctn
AV0074 Valve Tee, 10F, 18F, 10M 50 pcs/box, 4 box/ctn
AD0016 LF Nebulizer (for Single Gas Source) 25 pcs/box